Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy Birthday to Me!

I remember sitting with my dad after he passed away. My brothers and Kay left and I stayed with my him until just before the funeral home arrived. U of C was wonderful when I asked if he could be picked up in his room instead of the morgue. I didn't want him to be alone. I stayed in his room for hours talking with his nurses as they were getting him ready, reflecting on what had taken place and the beauty of it all even though it was surrounded with sadness.
I remember feeling overwhelmed at first. I remember as I was getting ready to leave and say my final goodbye feeling a sense of peace that seemed to embrace me as I walked out of the hospital and into my car. I remember wondering what kind of day the people in the cars passing me by on the highway had, as it was clear to me that life does go on.
My life has certainly gone on since my dad has passed away. I know how proud he would be as I know how worried he was for me. I know that my "glass is half full" & "attitude is everything" approach to life is the only way to be for me.
I know it's going to be ok and to take the time to celebrate me.
But most importantly, I want all of you to know just how much your birthday wishes impact me.

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